Kusatsu Onsen, a famous hot spring in Japan known as one of the three tops. It is located in Kusatsu-cho, Agatsuma-gun, Gunma Prefecture at an altitude of 1,200 M, and its natural extraction volume of hot springs is 32300 L / min, the highest in Japan. Hot water is also known as PH 2.1, one of the country's leading acid springs, and has a strong sterilizing ability. The climate is an ideal plateau fresh climate with an average annual temperature of 7℃. Because it is rarely over 25 ℃ in midsummer, it is a popular as a summer resort and as a ski resort in winter. Yubatake, which is the symbol of Kusatsu Onsen, is located in the center of Kusatsu Onsen, and attracts a large number of tourists from around the country. It is Agora Hall located 10 minutes on foot from such "Yubatake".